Friday, January 15, 2010

Spanning the globe?

Every now and then I check out the analytic data on who is actually reading these posts and the results simply amaze me. Here are some stats from outside of the US over the last 30 days:

  • someone in Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia has been back 4 times in the last 3 weeks

  • someone in Jakarta, Indonesia started on my discussion of why I don't like to use the word, God, and then proceeded to spend the next 11 minutes going reading my posts only to then come back for more the next day.

  • in the UK, readers reside in London, Bath, Leeds, Hailsham, Aberdeen, Aveley, Bristol, Kirkintillock, Edgbaston, Camberely and Nottingham

  • Scandinavia is represented by Stockholm, Kerava (Finland) and Trondheim (Norway)

  • My riff on the stupidity of war went over well with some new visitors in Sydney and Moscow

  • Additionally, readers from France, Spain, Germany, Croatia, India, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, New Zealand, Taiwan, the Philippines, Ecuador, Chile and Canada have all honored me by taking the time to read some of my posts.

Thank you all for taking the time to both read and think about my thoughts. I look forward to hearing some of yours. If you find a post particularly interesting or insightful, please pass it on to your friends.


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